
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Deadly Diseases: Halloween Series
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Saturday Oct 12, 2019
Did you know there are deadly Amoeba's that love to eat brains? Fake news or a grizzly truth? In this episode we start off our "Halloween" series with our returning guest Jason Tetro "The Germ Guy" who joins us to talk about "Deadly Diseases" also known as Zombie Diseases: Naegleria fowler, African trypanosomiasis, Prion Disease, Kuru, Septicemic plague, and Ebola!
Jason Tetro is the Host of the Super Awesome Science Show Podcast, which is this year’s Canadian Podcast Awards Best Science and Medicine Podcast in Canada. He’s been researching microbes and our relationship with them for three decades and is a regular in news media. He has published two bestselling books, The Germ Code and The Germ Files.
Nurses get 1 CE's fill out survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZF6Q2F6
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo
Give us a rating on iTunes... Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Monday Sep 23, 2019
Back To School Special: Why School Lunches Suck!
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Do you remember what your school lunch was like…. ? Today, School Lunches have become incredibly political! In late 2018, the United States Department of Agriculture, under the direction of President Donald Trump, finalized plans to roll back regulations set forth in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 that were advocated for by then-First Lady Michelle Obama. Specifically, the rollback lowered nutrition standards for whole grains, flavored beverages and the sodium content of lunches served in school cafeterias. There's a school lunch defect happening in New Jersey and in 2016, a public school in Gardendale, Alabama stamped the words "I Need Lunch Money" on a child's arm because of an unpaid bill.
Our guest, Dr. Francine Kaufman was recognized from the California state senate for her work in banning soda in Los Angeles public schools. She joins us to talk about why school lunches suck and all the political drama happening as kids go back to school! Dr. Francine Ratner Kaufman is an American endocrinologist, professor, author, researcher, consultant, and corporate officer in the medical field of diabetes mellitus. She is the author of Diabesity: The Obesity-Diabetes Epidemic That Threatens America.
Nurses get 1 CE for listening https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K9SH87W

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Back To School Special: Boo2Bullying
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Twenty percent of students between the ages of 12 and 18 were bullied during the 2016-2017 school year, according to the report from the National Center for Education Statistics, the research arm of the U.S. Education Department. Among those students who faced bullying, 15 percent said they were bullied online or by text, a 3.5 percentage point jump from the 2014-2015 school year. In this episode we talk to Founder/ President of Boo2Bullying Dimitri Hakidis and Boo2Bullying Youth Ambassador Solange Signorett.
To address this epidemic, Boo2Bullying was born in 2011 as a grassroots youth empowerment program with a clear mission: to eradicate bullying, intolerance and discrimination. With programs designed for youth from 8 to 18, their multi-media approach to social-emotional awareness gives young people the tools to help foster a healthy self-image as they learn to speak their truth, accept diversity and have a positive impact on their peers.
For more information: https://boo2bullying.networkforgood.com
Nurses get 1 CE for listening go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2MGTPMGhttps://

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
It's All About JON!
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
It's our 45th Episode of Nurses and Hypochondriacs Podcast! We would like to thank all our listeners and guests for listening and supporting us! We couldn't have done it without you! And we couldn't have done it without "the man behind the podcast," our sound engineer and co-producer Jonathan Colomb!
He's a paleontologist, geologist, Emergency Responder, podcast producer, and TV writer! In this episode Jon will talk about his about his heroic experiences cleaning up toxic waste spills in the south pacific and messing up chicken sandwich orders on a Hollywood TV set! We also chat about our favorite episodes of Nurses and Hypochondriacs podcast as well as what it takes to produce a podcast.
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo
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Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Bang Bang: Mass Shootings In America & Mental Health Part 2
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
A Southwest Ohio politician has stirred anger for a Sunday post on social media in which she blamed mass shootings on "drag queen advocates," "homosexual marriage," open borders and even former President Barack Obama. In this episode we continue our discussion on Mass Shootings in America with guest Drag Queen "Marina Mac" Timothy McIntosch. We'll also discuss the most recent NY Times article blaming mass shootings in America on a hatred for women and domestic violence. Tim will also talk about the difference between a semiautomatic weapon and an automatic weapon and why these weapons should not be sold to the general public. Timothy McIntoch was born in Los Angeles, Ca and raised in Covina Ca. He was always a rambunctious kid and loved to be center of attention. Upon Graduating High School in 1998 at the age of 18 he joined the United States Marine Corp and served active Duty for Four and half years. HE re-enlisted in the Air National Guard and served an additional three and half years. In 2009 Tim decided to hone a hidden love of makeup and went to Makeup Artistry School at Mt. San Antonio College. Since then Tim has done Makeup for Fashion shows, theater, Film, and has worked with several Celebrity clientele. In 2010 shortly after moving to Palm Springs, Tim fell into the Beautiful art of Drag. He adopted the name Marina Mac (Marina a play on being from the Marines, and Mac, a shortened version of McIntosh.) Drag has given Tim so many opportunities to help in various charitable organizations such as Desert Aids Project, Aids Assistance Program, American Cancer Society, and Safe Schools.
Tim is voted the 2019 Desert Suns best Drag Personality of the Coachella Valley, 2019 Outstanding Best Actor, 2017 Champions of Youth award, and 2019 Desert Theater League award for best Professional Makeup artist for the Theater Production of “Georgia McBride”. www.TimothyMacMUA.weebly.com
throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo https://www.gofundme.com/nurses-hypochondriacs-podcast Give us a rating on itunes... Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Bang Bang: Mass Shootings In America & Mental Health Part 1
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Have you ever wondered what it's like staring down the barrel of a gun? As of Aug. 5, which was the 217th day of the year, there have been 255 mass shootings in the U.S., according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive (GVA), which tracks every mass shooting in the country. The GVA defines a mass shooting as any incident in which at least four people were shot, excluding the shooter.
Our guest Jim Kane RN, MN, CNS, NE-BC, joins us wuth his psychiatric nurse expertise to discuss the recent mass shootings in America and what part if any mental health may play.
Nurses get 1 CE https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XPW7QLC
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause!
Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo
Give us a rating on itunes... Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Friday Jun 14, 2019
The Cult Obsession
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Friday Jun 14, 2019
Some people join CULTS freely, others are born into them, and some are abducted. The term cult has come to usually refer to a social group defined by its unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular personality, object or goal. But what happens to a persons MIND and mental health in these organized groups? What happens to their freedoms? What happens to their families? And what happens to their sense of self? In this episode our guest Rachel Bernstein answers all these questions and more as we explore "The Cult Obsession." We also discuss how groups like "cross Fit and Big Pharma" can be considered CULTS and how healthcare professionals can often misdiagnose a patient who has been in a cult with a mental health disorder.
Rachel Bernstein is a mother of 3, an educator and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has been in practice for 28 years. She is the author of a children's book about divorce - Now I Know: Kids Talking to Kids about Divorce. (Mascot Books) She has been working with general clients as well as those who have been ensnared by cults and narcissists. She also advises families and friends of those in systems of control about ways to reach out to them. She has spoken world wide about many related issues like undue influence, women in cults, children born and raised in cults and narcissistic control and abuse. Rachel is on the advisory boards of the International Cultic Studies Association and The Open Minds Foundation. She runs a weekly support group for former cult members and their families.
And Rachel is the host of her weekly Podcast "IndoctriNation" -https://soundcloud.com/indoctrinationshow
www.rachelbernsteintherapy.com ;bernsteinlmft@gmail.com, or by calling 818-907-0036.
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo https://www.gofundme.com/nurses-hypochondriacs-podcast
Give us a rating on iTunes...
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
How To Respond To Threats In The Urban Landscape And In The Workplace With No Fear
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Los Angeles aka “The City Of Angels” is a beautiful city to live in full of rich culture, people and tacos. At the moment we are a little tense and jumpy. We’re anxious. We look out our car, bus and train windows and we see things we don’t like. People lying on our sidewalks. Tents under our freeways, in some neighborhoods on every blade of spare public grass (LATimes 03/23/2019). But can we live our lives in “fear?” With the recent upsurge in violence in the workplace in the hospital setting, how can Nurses and healthcare providers remain safe and free of threat while caring for their patients?
In this episode we explore how to be safe, mindful of your surroundings, and trust your intuition in any city urban landscape and in the workplace with guest Beverly Baker, who teaches a class called Asphalt Anthropology in Los Angeles. A student and observer of violence dynamics, Beverly began her education as a girl with wanderlust undeterred by tales of the boogeyman. She has dodged peril and outwitted threats on the streets of major American cities, Europe, the former Eastern Bloc and Southern Africa. She has developed and taught personal safety courses for residents of LA's Skid Row, LAPD's Community Police Academy, corporate clients, women’s shelters, colleges/universities, public school districts and the general public for 20 years. She holds a 2nd dan black belt in Cha Yon Ryu martial arts, and over the past 30 years has studied various martial arts including traditional Asian arts, Krav Maga and boxing. She is currently competitive in Judo. Beverly is a volunteer escort at a healthcare clinic where she observes and physically manages the principles of conflict on the front lines where politics and religion collide. She holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA with a focus in digital media management.
Instagram - @metrofinishingschool
Nurses get 1 CE click on the the link and fill out survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZVBSXLK throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo
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Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Friday May 24, 2019
Vivaporu! The Story Of How Vicks Vapor Rub Got So Famous
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
They call it Bibaporru, Beep Vaporú, El Bic, El Bix, El Vickisito. Vicks Vapo Rub is used world wide and in many cultures it's the go to homepathic remedy from chest colds to cuts acquired when an icecycle falls on your head! But how did it get so famous? And why does it have such an extreme cult following that makes people dress up like a Vicks container for Halloween and make rap videos in devotion to the camphor based product? Our guest Esmeralda Bermumedez journalist for the LA Times takes us on a storytelling journey through the invention of the salve originally named 'Vicks Magic Croup Salve' invented by pharmacist Lunsford Richardson, and how he set out to make his product world famous!
Esmeralda Bermudez writes narrative stories about the lives of Latinos for the Los Angeles Times. She was born in El Salvador, raised in Whittier and graduated from the University of Southern California. Before joining The Times in 2008, Bermudez worked at the Oregonian in Portland, covering city government and immigration. She has reported from Guatemala and Mexico where her coverage in 2006 won her the Guillermo Martinez-Marquez Award for Latin American Reporting. Bermudez was also a finalist for Livingston Award for International Reporting. In 2016, she was part of the team that won the Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of the San Bernardino terrorist attack. https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-col1-vicks-vaporub-20190326-htmlstory.html
Nurses get 1 CE https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TP7LH9N
Download the Nursebackpack app today at https://nbp.app.link/nursesandhypochondriacs
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause!
Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo https://www.gofundme.com/nurses-hypochondriacs-podcast
Give us a rating on iTunes... Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Monday May 13, 2019
Bioterrorism: Be Afraid Be Very Afraid
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
Bioterrorism. It's the natural process of speeding up outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics. From January 1 to April 26, 2019, the CDC reported 704 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 22 states. There's a deadly multidrug-resistant super fungus making it's way around the globe. And is Ebola making a comeback?
Jason Tetro "The Germ Guy" joins us to discuss the latest GERMS causing drama in the media and what we can do to protect ourselves in a bioterrorism attack! Jason Tetro is the Host of the Super Awesome Science Show Podcast, which is this year’s Canadian Podcast Awards Best Science and Medicine Podcast in Canada. He’s been researching microbes and our relationship with them for three decades and is a regular in news media. He has published two bestselling books, The Germ Code and The Germ Files. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/super-awesome-science-show-sass/id1441016618
Nurses get 1 CE for listening https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5S2DSRP
Download the Nursebackpack app today at https://nbp.app.link/nursesandhypochondriacs
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo
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Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com