
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Evocative Poetry Part 1: The Nurse Poet
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
"Can you see this patient today? His appointment is tomorrow, he came all the way from Nebraska. Can you work extra tomorrow,?" Those are the first few lines of the poem "I Should Have Said No," published in the literary journal 'Pulse,' written by our guest Lynn Kincanon. Lynn will share her passion for writing poetry and nursing and she'll talk about her experience going through a 'death coach' program.
Lynn Kincananon is a recently retired Nurse Practitioner who has practiced for 36 years in the nursing world. Her specialties include ICU, ER, Cardiology, and CV Surgery. Lynn has been writing poetry for as long as she can remember It wasn't until she moved to Colorado 21 years ago that she began writing it in earnest. Lynn has collaborated with many artists performing live poetry in various locations. For the last four years, Lynn has written a poem a day that she posts on Facebook. She is involved in an endeavor to write a book whose theme is “This Vulnerable World”. It is a collection of both her work poetry and her love for and immersion in the natural world.
Special thanks to our sponsor Sequel's Revenge Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sequels-revenge/id1486897854
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause!
Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
Give us a 5-star rating on iTunes! Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YV6L67V

Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
China is using anal swabs to test for COVID. The rest of the world has to wear 3 masks to add extra protection from the pesky 'RONA!. What the 'Dickens' is going on in the world?
Our guest, Masaki Miyagawa, joins us on this episode to discuss anal swabs along with 'the high strange' occurring around the world. We'll also talk about 'radionics,' healing through radio frequencies, and Royal Rife the man who discovered the healing powers of radionics. Masaki will do some numbers and of course, we'll share many stories.
Masaki Miyagawa is an author, speaker, and consultant based in Los Angeles. He has over 10 years of experience in the esoteric field and his family has been involved in Buddhist Studies for over 400 Years. Masaki has a line of handcrafted Powered Pyramids and is available for personal numerology consultations. https://www.akaida.com/store
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y8XFCR7
Special thanks to our sponsor Sequel's Revenge Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sequels-revenge/id1486897854
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com Give us a 5-star rating on iTunes!

Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
"Just Eat It": What Happens When Food Triggers A Trauma?
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Trauma... It's a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. In the case of emotional eating or consuming “comfort foods,” there is a school of thought suggesting trauma as the culprit.
In this episode, Rachael Narins (Chicks With Knives) joins us to discuss what happens when "Food" triggers a trauma. We'll also talk about issues children experience with food, food insecurity, eating disorders, and the importance of empowering children to cook to make healthier food choices Rachael Narins is a chef, cookbook author, and culinary instructor based in Los Angeles. For information on classes and more, she can be found at http://www.chickswithknives.com and on Instagram at http//www.instagram.com/chickswithknives
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D6LTYGW
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
Give us a 5-star rating on iTunes!

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Did COVID-19 Cause Super Gonorreha?
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
There's no doubt COVID-19 has caused much destruction, but did it create 'Super Gonorrhea?' It's been one year since we first talked about "COVID-19" and the possibilities of a 'pandemic' on the horizon. No one could have imagined 2020 would have turned out the way it did and a 'coronavirus' would have become such a destructive ugly villain!
In this episode Jason Tetro "The Germ Guy" joins us once again to recap our 2020 episode Corona Virus: Should We Be Afraid? Jason will review the COVID-19 pathophysiology, why many people diagnosed with COVID-19 are getting pulmonary embolisms, brain aneurysms, and deep vein thrombosis. We'll also take a look at the COVID vaccines, mRNA, and why certain people are having reactions to the vaccine. The role Vitamin D plays in the immune system, does it really protect you against COVID-19? Are children with low vitamin D levels more susceptible to being carriers of COVID-19? Of course, we'll go over what type of medications people diagnosed with COVID-19 are being discharged with, especially why they are being prescribed Azithromycin? Is that causing 'Super Gonnorreah?' A fun episode you won't want to miss!
Jason Tetro is the Host of the Super Awesome Science Show Podcast, which is this year’s Canadian Podcast Awards Best Science and Medicine Podcast in Canada. He’s been researching microbes and our relationship with them for three decades and is a regular in news media. He has published two bestselling books, The Germ Code and The Germ Files. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/super-awesome-science-show-sass/id1441016618
Nurses get 1.0 CE's fill out the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6W6WZQ9
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com Give us a 5-star rating on iTunes!

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Lately, it seems the WORLD has been placed under a SPELL. But, is SPELLCASTING real? Is it dangerous and how does it work? Our guest Sal Santoro, owner of the Crooked Path in Burbank, CA. will answer all those questions and more on our Belated Halloween episode.
Sal Santoro is someone who lives out of the box. As a young adult, Sal got involved in Occultism in New England where he was raised but moved to Los Angeles in 1985 and decided to take his studies to the next level. Sal and his wife, Popi Mavros own The Crooked Path, an occult apothecary store located in Burbank that specializes in various herbs, oils, stones and candles that one can use to help them along whatever path they are following. The shop is made up of his wife’s business savvy and his vision along with 35+ years in the Occult and Witchcraft community.
Special Thanks to our sponsor Sequel's Revenge Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sequels-revenge/id1486897854
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo
Need consulting, have questions, or are having trouble downloading CE's email: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Killer Nurse, Halloween 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Kimberly Clark Saenz was a well liked licensed vocational nurse, mother of 2, and known for her smiles. She's also well known for going on a murder spree! Witnesses had come forth to say that instead of life saving medication, they had seen Saenz adding toxic bleach to the IV ports of dialysis patients at the Davita Dialysis Center in Lufkin, Texas.
NYT bestselling author John Foxjohn joins us to discuss his true crime novel "Killer Nurse." John discusses his writing process, how he interviewed 237 people for the book, the voir dire jury selection for a murder case, the difference between writing fiction and true crime, and how the characters in your story drive the narrative. About our guest: International, USA Today, and New York Times best-selling author John Foxjohn epitomizes the phrase "been there—done that." Born and raised in the rural East Texas town of Nacogdoches, he quit high school and joined the Army at seventeen: Viet Nam veteran, Army Airborne Ranger, policeman and homicide detective, retired teacher and coach, now he is an award-winning, multi-published, best-selling author.
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KJ3Z9BW
Special Thanks to our sponsor Sequel's Revenge Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sequels-revenge/id1486897854
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo Need consulting, have questions, or are having trouble downloading CE's email: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Are Your Animals Trying To Tell You Something?
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Are your animals communicating with you telepathically? Animal communication is the ability to sense what an animal is subtly telling you. You may hear a whisper of their voice or have an inner knowing as to what they are saying to you. Sometimes we see cloudy or clear images-similar to a movie playing out before our eyes. This is also known as telepathy –communication between the minds.
Linda Roberts is an Animal Communicator. On this episode we'll discuss communicating with your animals, how animals can convey their healthcare issues to you, how pet therapy helps aid in convalescence, and separation anxiety for both humans and animals during COVID19. With her lifelong love of animals, Linda gladly gives the animals a voice via animal communication. It is through an energetic, heartfelt connection that she is able to communicate with animals. Her communications can be achieved either in the presence of the animal or remotely, due to the energetic nature of communication.She assists animals and their human companions with behavioral and health issues, living arrangement changes, and end of life transitions. She also offers energy healing, soul retrieval, and shamanic teachings for her clients.
Linda enjoys the company of 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goldfish, 2 Leopard Geckos and one horse. She confesses that they have been her greatest teachers.
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening to this episode.https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5ZH6R3D. Special Thanks to our sponsor Sequel's Revenge Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sequels-revenge/id1486897854 Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo Need consulting or have questions email: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
What's Poppin aka What's your problem? with Irene Willett RN, MSN, FNP is our new segment where we discuss all elements of work place drama. We'll look at common problems nurses and healthcare providers may face on a daily basis. Irene and Ersilia will share personal stories as well as present peer reviewed research as well as main stream research, philosophy, and pop culture movies to help resolve some of these issues.
In this episode we will discuss work place drama, the effects it has on patient care, how people can suck you in to their karmic loop of drama, how to get out of it, how saying 'good morning' shifts the energy and sets the tone for the day, the art of calling people on their shit and set boundaries.
Irene Willett is a Family Nurse Practitioner in upstate New York with over 25 years in the healthcare game.
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening to this episode. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5ZH6R3D.
Special Thanks to our sponsor Sequel's Revenge Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sequels-revenge/id1486897854
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo Need consulting or have questions email: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Corona-Pocalypse Part 5: Are we living in the upside down?
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
It's been 7 months and the WORLD is still very much on pause, and yes we are on FIRE and MELTING in California. The more we take a deep dive into the Corona-Pocalypse narrative, the more the world seems to be like "the upside down" in Stranger Things.
In this episode we'll be talking about how METAPHYSICS can help us understand the reality of the current world we are living in. Many great scientists like Newton, Voltaire and even Florence Nightingale practiced metaphysics.
Our guest Kim Carter RN, has a Masters degree in metaphysics and is an educator, entrepreneur and life coach. She'll explain what metaphysics is and how it can be practiced in the NURSING and healthcare professions. We'll also discuss how metaphysics can help explain our current Coronoa-pocalypse reality.
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5Z2QFMV
Thanks to our sponsor Sequel's Revenge Podcast. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sequels-revenge/id1486897854 Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo Need consulting or have questions email: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Corona-Pocalypse Part 4: What's Going On In California?
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
What’s going on with California? We are 6 months and counting into the COVID-19 lockdowns! Our public health “Boss” has stepped down, Gov. Gavin Newsom is refusing to follow the new COVID CDC recommendations, and we are on FIRE…literally! Over 100,000 Patriots have taken a stand against the lockdowns in California since May 1, 2020.
In this episode, “Patriot” Erik Rodriguez, joins us to discuss the restoration and the protection of our constitutional rights in the United States Of America. We’ll also discuss the economic devastation many are going through, ‘Reopening California Protests,’ that happened on May 1, 2020, as well as the ‘Save Our Children’ protests in Hollywood, and circulating petitions demanding that Gov. Gavin Newsom step down from his elected position.
Erik Rodriguez, OC born and raised, Tax Professional, philanthropist and freedom fighting because we are all essential. He is a part of the ‘We Have Rights Corporation’ www.wehaverightscorp.org
You can follow Erik and his ‘Dapper’ fashion sense on IG @SwagPlanet_Emperor.
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo Need consulting or have questions email: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com