
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Quantum Jumping And Reality Shifts: Are You Leveling Up?
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Do you believe in parallel universes? Have you ever wondered that there might be another one of 'you' or multiple 'you's' living in a different timeline? Can you shift your current reality and enter a different one where you are happier, healthier, and more prosperous? In this episode of N&H special guest, Cynthia Sue Larson joins us to discuss Quantum Timeline Jumping and shifts in consciousness. We'll be discussing how you can shift your consciousness and help your patients shift their reality to obtain better health and a state of well-being. Cynthia will also discuss the Mandela effect, synchronicities, and of course proof that time travel is real!! This is a super fun and interesting episode you won't want to miss!
Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of Quantum Jumps, Reality Shifts, and High Energy Money. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second-degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is the founder of RealityShifters, president of the International Mandela Effect Conference, managing director of Foundations of Mind, and creator and host of Living the Quantum Dream. She has been featured in numerous shows including Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, "How good can it get?" Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at: www.realityshifters.com www.imec.world
This episode was brought to you by Rogue Nurse Media 501c3 Empowering Nurses and Patients To Tell Their Stories. Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
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Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Death...It’s Normal
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Death, it's normal. We're not immortal and all of us will die someday, but why can't we talk about it? Why can't we have normal conversations around death and dying? Why is DEATH such a taboo subject? On this episode TikTok sensation "Hospice Nurse Jule" (Julie McFadden) joins us to talk about the "Normalization of DEATH." Julie will cover how to talk to your loved ones about death, preparing for the dying process, what happens to your body when you die, death bed confessions, and how Julie went from dancing with her nieces on TikTok to talking about death as Hospice nurse Julie which launched her into TikTok stardom. Follow Hospice Nurse Julie at TikTok @Hospicenursejulie
This episode was brought to you by Rogue Nurse Media 501c3 Empowering Nurses and Patients To Tell Their Stories.
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening to this episode click on the link for more details https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HWC69KT
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
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For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153
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Saturday Feb 19, 2022
The Things We Think and Do Not Say
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
A life is not worth living if you are sleepwalking through it. Have you ever wanted to just speak up? Have you ever wanted to right a wrong? On this episode, our special guest Kali Fontanilla joins us to share her incredible journey of "speaking up" as a public school teacher in California and leaving her job after 15 years. Kali started sharing her stories on TikTok landing her on mainstream media channels like Fox News. We'll also be discussing "Critical Race Theory," what kids are being taught in schools, how kids wearing masks has impacted their mental and physical health, and how Kali is starting a revolution for conscious education with her school Exodus Institute.
"Kali Fontanilla was a public school teacher for 15 years in California. Now she is living in Florida and opening an online school called Exodus Institute. To learn more about Kali and Exodus Institute click on the links https://www.thinkexodus.org/ TikTok @kalifontanilla
This episode was brought to you by Rogue Nurse Media 501c3 Empowering Nurses and Patients To Tell Their Stories. Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening to this episode click on the link for more details https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XPHNSV9
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com We'd love if you left us a 5-star rating on apple podcasts
For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153

Monday Feb 07, 2022
Manifesting Magic
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Do you believe in the power of your mind? In this episode, TikTok sensation @alwaysmanifestingmagic aka Monica Painter joins us to talk about the magical powers of our mind.
Monica is a solo homeschooling mom of 3. She resigned from her position as an RN after the first wave of COVID to empower herself, her children, and others in the online space. She is a quantum healer, meditation creator and addict, and an affiliate marketer! https://msha.ke/monicapainter
This episode was brought to you by Rogue Nurse Media 501c3 Empowering Nurses and Patients To Tell Their Stories.
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
Give us a 5-star rating on Apple podcasts!
For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Time-Warp: China is Doing Anal Swabs Again
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Is your COVID home test not giving you accurate results? Have no fear, China is bringing back 'anal swabs.'The Communist regime claims the virus test — which involves inserting a 5cm long saline-soaked swab up a patient’s rectum and rotating it — is more accurate than other on-the-spot virus tests. Misaki Miyagawa joins us for this special 'timewarp,' episode to discuss China using anal swabs again! We'll also be talking about astrological forecasts for 2022, how numerology can be used to figure stuff out, time travel, and various hot topics in healthcare trending in the media.
Masaki Miyagawa is an author, speaker, and consultant based in Los Angeles. He has over 10 years of experience in the esoteric field and his family has been involved in Buddhist Studies for over 400 Years. Masaki has a line of hand-crafted Powered Pyramids and is available for personal numerology consultations.
This episode was brought to you by Rogue Nurse Media 501c3 Empowering Nurses and Patients To Tell Their Stories.
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause!
Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
Give us a 5-star rating on Apple podcasts
For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Who Were You in a Past Life?
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Were you someone else in a past life? Past life regression is a method that uses hypnosis to recover what practitioners believe are memories of past lives or incarnations. The practice is widely considered discredited and unscientific by medical practitioners, and experts generally regard claims of recovered memories of past lives as fantasies or delusions. But what happens when children start telling prolific stories paired with nightmares of having lived a past life? What happens when you start putting all the puzzle pieces of their stories together and you realize there is actual proof of them having lived in another person's body. Several parents have been sharing their stories on TikTok of their children being a past relative of theirs.
In today's episode, Stephen Towill joins us to talk about Past Life Regression Therapy. Stephen Towill is a clinical hypnotherapist who works with people with mental health and mind-related issues. He specializes in Past Life Regression and Between Lives hypnosis which focuses on utilizing hypnosis to gain spiritual experiences and understanding. Stephen has had an interest and has worked with hypnosis and past life regression for over 30 years.
Nurses get 1.0 free CE's go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2TKFJYG
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
Give us a 5-star rating on Apple podcasts
For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Curanderismo & Dia De Los Muertos
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Curanderismo is the art of Mexican Folk Healing from the word curar, meaning to heal. A holistic approach to healing – mind, body, and spirit. In this episode, Dr. Eliseo (Cheo) Tores joins us to talk about Curanderismo and the Dia De Los Muertos holiday (The Day Of The Dead). Cheo also shares great tips on helping children and teenagers deal with anxiety and depression by using Guatemalan worry dolls.
Since he was a boy growing up on the border of Texas and Mexico, Eliseo Torres, known to everyone as “Cheo,” has been fascinated by the folk traditions and folkways of Mexico and of his Mexican American roots. Both of his parents were versed in aspects of herbal lore and healing, and as he matured he learned from them a love and respect for the history and folk knowledge of the ancient art of curanderismo, or Mexican folk healing. He has published seven books on his life and research on his subject area. Link to Curanderismo free classes https://www.coursera.org/learn/curanderismo-plants
Nurses get 1.0 free CE's go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BPGNZWX
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com Give us a 5 star rating on Apple podcasts
For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Literary Freak Show, 2021 Halloween Series
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Drug and sex-addicted dolphins falling in love with human females, eradicated viruses making a come back, and computers from MIT predicting the end of humanity. It's a literary freak show on this episode of Nurses and Hypochondriacs Podcast we continue our Halloween series with author Andrei Tapalaga who will talk about the true fascinating freakish stories he's written and has well researched on Medium.
Andrei Tapalaga is a prolific writer with over 30 million reads and almost 1,000 articles published to date. He has a great passion to share with the world the mysteries that are hidden within history from an interesting perspective. A dedicated upcoming historian with a hunger for knowledge in a mission to educate the world by making history fun and interesting. You can read more of Andrei's stories here https://andrei-tapalaga.medium.com/membership
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com
Give us a 5-star rating on Apple podcasts For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Who‘s Hypnotizing You? 2021 Halloween Series
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Has society been placed under a mass hypnotic trance? Are you being influenced to buy products due to subliminal programs which are unconscious? Are humans slowly turning into Zombies? Stage hypnotist Michael Grady joins us to talk about his Youtube video on the Los Angeles Unified School District. The district hired an infomercial giant to use hypnotic techniques on parents and students to follow along with the tracking app and ultimately get jabbed.
Michael is a professional stage hypnotist, neuro-linguistic practitioner, author of over 100 different hypnosis programs, and is a YouTuber that has been breaking down how the media uses these techniques to program society. He was recently on the Alex Jones Show after exposing the LAUSD and its recent videos.
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause! Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com Give us a 5-star rating on Apple podcasts
For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153

Monday Oct 11, 2021
Let‘s Ask A School Nurse
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Most kids are back in school. Some are facing mental health challenges like depression, bullying, and claustrophobia. School Nurse Mercedes Hendrix joins us from Texas to talk about some of the new challenges kids are facing while they are attending classes in person during COVID. We'll also discuss the Texas ban on abortions past 6 weeks gestation, and California's AB1184 and AB1356 laws that safeguard reproductive health and criminalizes online threats to abortion doctors and patients.
Mercedes is a registered nurse, wife, and mother of 3. She currently works as a school nurse in the Southeast region of Texas and is currently pursuing her Doctorate of Nursing Practice degree at Baylor University with a focus in Pediatric Nurse Practitioner - Primary Care. She is passionate about pediatric mental health and hopes to use her doctorate degree and APRN license to meet the gap of mental health care providers and influence political changes to meet the mental health needs of the pediatric population.
Nurses get 1.0 CE's for listening go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G8PDPZS
Throw us some bucks, and help support our cause!
Venmo: @Nurses-Hypo or PayPal paypal.me/eproguenursemedia
Need consulting or have questions: nursesandhypochondriacs@gmail.com Give us a 5-star rating on Apple podcasts
For The Well Written Nurse Writing and Storytelling classes go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whats-your-story-part-1-detox-intro-to-writing-and-storytelling-tickets-94768506153