
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Fever, Valley Fever... The Mysterious Illness
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
Tuesday Nov 28, 2017
There's a "Mysterious Fungus" infecting the American Southwest. Valley Fever has been around for more than 100 years, and affects poor farm workers, prisoners, and people living in endemic areas. For some, it becomes a lifelong illness which is baffling the medical community. How does a tiny fungal spore cause so much havoc? With an 800% increase in cases since 2011 in California, and a 30% increase since 2016, why did Governor Jerry Brown just veto a bill that would increase awareness and save lives? This episode is a "Must Listen" as Valley Fever Advocate, Community Activist Wife, Mother, and lover of life Julie Solis joins our "Nurse Expert" Abner Vilches RN, MSN, C-FNP to discuss Valley Fever, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, pathology, asessment, and treatment as well as the politics behind this "Fun-Guy!"
Nurses receive 1 CE for listening, fill out survey and print CE form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S8JJP35

Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Too Sick & Naked: A Journey Through Lyme Disease
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Believe it or not there's an 'uptick' of Lyme disease in Los Angeles! The summer of 2017 exposed numerous cases in the Santa Monica mountains as well as San Francisco county. Take a listen to this exciting episode as Los Angeles based Actress/ Model Jackie Shea gets bite by a 'tick' on a photo shoot, develops a 'bullseye' rash, and takes off to Bali for 'Ozone Therapy!" We explore the history of Lyme disease, treatment regimens, famous people with Lyme disease, and Jackie's "Nutty Neurologist" who gave her too much gamma globulin, which almost killed her, thanks to Wikipedia! Knowledge is power with this episode... or you just might turn into a hypochondriac!
Nurses recieve 1 CE for listening, fill out the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3T9YDD8

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Nursing, The Filipino American Dream
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Nursing The Filipino American Dream...Actress Lesley Asistio talks about her one person show "Nurse Asistio," where she explores Nursing as the Filipino American Dream. The Philippines is the number one producer of Nurses in all the world, join us as we explore this dream.
Nurses receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for listening; go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XJZF5HT to fill out a brief survey and to print out your CEC certificate.

Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Workplace Romance Nurse Marries Doctor, Doctor Marries Nurse
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Tuesday Oct 31, 2017
Workplace Romance... What's it like when a Nurse marries a Doctor and a Doctor marries a Nurse... and you work together?! Join us on episode #4 of Nurses and Hypochondriacs as we hear comedic stories from Sarah Matacale RN, BSN and Dr Vaughn Matacale on what it's like to work, live, and have children together as medical professionals.
Nurses receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for listening; go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/M57PQJV to fill out a brief survey and to printout your CEC certificate.

Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Herpes: A Love Story (Explicit)
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Los Angeles is leading the nation in STD's, so what happens when you get one like Herpes? You produce a one person show of course! In this episode Cherise Pascual sings her way thorugh her Herpes diagnosis! Come listen to her "Herpes Rap," obsessions, and a discussion about Usher vs Lisa Bloom's 20 million dollar herpes lawsuit!
Nurses receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for listening; go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9RR2LWS to fill out a brief survey and to printout your CEC certificate.

Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Oh Sh*t, I Almost Killed You!
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Hello Nurses and Hypochondriacs!
This week we interview Sonja Schwartzback, author of the hilarious "Oh Sh*t, I Almost Killed You! A Little Book of Big Things Nursing School Forgot to Teach You". Nurse-In-Training Bree Hoogendorn joins the discussion.
Check out Sonja's book for yourself at: https://www.amazon.com/Almost-Killed-Little-Things-Nursing/dp/0692838694/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1508226250&sr=8-1&keywords=sonja+schwartzbach
Nurses receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for listening; go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9RR2LWS to fill out a brief survey and to printout your CEC certificate.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuberculosis: The Consumption That Made Puccini Famous
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
What happens when you get Tuberculosis and no one believes you? Thi Nguyen takes us on her journey of Tuberculosis as she was continually misdiagnosed until she was thrown into the LA County ICU for 2 weeks, put in isolation, and told that her lungs looked "bad"! In this episode, we explore the history of tuberculosis, the consumption that Puccini made famous, along with epidemiology reports and current treatment regimens.
Nurses receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for listening; go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9RR2LWS to fill out a brief survey and to printout your CEC certificate.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Tuesday Sep 26, 2017
Nurses and hypochondriacs... the podcast that brings nurse experts, patients, and hypochondriacs together to discuss hot topics in health care!